Magistrates Court, Criminal only?
Magistrates (Criminal) The magistrates is primarily for criminal matters. Crimes are generally under three categories: Summary Indictable Triable either way

What Is The Difference Between Litigating And What Barristers Normally Do?
When the Bar’s public direct access scheme first appeared, it was designed to enable lay clients who could manage their

Criminal Matters and Criminal Prosecutions
What do I do if I am arrested upon the suspicion of a criminal offence? Anyone who has been arrested

Commercial and regulatory investigations and prosecutions
(transcription:) Businesses, regulations, and the law. Businesses today, whether they be large or small, have never been subject to so

Banking matters and Private Prosecution
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsgHBWyhofk We’ve had a huge amount of dialogue and discussion with people affected by banking matters and issues. So what

Taking the First Step – Instruct a Barrister Directly.
When Should I Get In Touch With a Barrister? The sooner you come the better, because the sooner you come

Family and Divorce Matters – a barrister can help
At ShenSmith Barristers, we are currently having a huge influence of Direct Access enquiries with family, divorce, and children

The Benefits of Direct Access to a barrister, with Stephen Harvey QC
We interviewed Stephen Harvey QC about the benefits of coming to a barrister directly: How are solicitors and barristers different?

(for Barristers) – Joining ShenSmith Barristers
Hi, we’re looking to add to the ShenSmith fold of Direct Access barristers over the next 6 to 9

Recap: Top Tips for a Successful Direct Access Practice – at Bar Council offices
Hi, quick catch up from ShenSmith Barristers, following yesterday’s hugely successful and well-attended event at the Bar Council offices –

Direct Access to Barrister Services for SMEs
Hi, I’m Jonathan Maskew, one of the directors and co-founder of ShenSmith Barristers. 2016, what is it hold for Direct

The Benefits of Direct Access with Stephen Harvey QC
Jonathan Maskew: Today I’m with Stephen Harvey QC, Good morning, Stephen. Stephen Harvey QC: Morning, Jonathan. Jonathan Maskew: Everyone is