Small Claims? From filing the claim to representing you in court, We offer a fixed fee!

  A small claim can be tedious and time-consuming. There may be single parties versus many parties or it could be a single person versus another person. Reasonable offer? The claimant and the respondent. Before filing a claim it is …

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15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly

If you haven’t heard about the Topshop “Shakespere” blunder by now, you nearly missed a valuable lesson on the importance of spelling and grammar. “Shakespere” or “Shakespeare”? Topshop gets it horribly wrong… Here’s what happened: Topshop, the clothing giant, commissioned …

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12 Questions to Consider: Divorce

Divorce is considered a truly challenging experience. Especially when the marriage has continued for an extended length. It can be truly challenging for the children and others who may be involved. We have compiled a few questions that could be …

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10 Questions to Consider: Child Arrangements

Child Arrangements go hand in hand with a Child’s Welfare. Reading the Children’s Act of 1989 will give you a good guide. We have summarised 10 Questions to consider when seeking child arrangements, applying for a child arrangement order, or going through child arrangements or wish to have an idea what it involves. The courts have a duty to determine the best outcome for a child. The following will help with child arrangement questions.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How will the arrangements affect the child’s upbringing?
  2. Would the child welfare be affected by the arrangements?
  3. Are you asking for too much in the child arrangements? the court must regard the facts that any delay is not helpful and rather detrimental to the child welfare.
  4. How will your involvement improve your child’s welfare? Will it affect your child’s stability in their own life?
  5. Are you considering the feelings of your child?
  6. Will your child be receiving suitable needs such as a stable home?
  7. Will you be there for your child emotional needs as well as their educational needs?
  8. Will the child arrangements leave your child with any risk or sufferings?
  9. Will the child arrangements be fulfilling all the needs of the child?
  10. Am I offering the best child arrangements for my child? Would they be better off with other arrangements?

Contact us now for legal advice, for opinions and court representations. Our family law barristers will be able to provide you with up to date and valuable legal advice. It is a difficult time. The support of an experienced specialist lawyer will provide you with a unique insight into this process.

Call us now on 0203 627 9580. Allow one of our clerks to quickly asses your situation. Thereafter, the clerk will direct you to a specialist, family law barrister. If you have child arrangement questions or problems with your child arrangement order, contact us.

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How can I apply for custody? I want joint custody? Can I get full custody? We are able to find you a lawyer or barrister to help you with custody issues. You can contact us from the beginning. The first contact point should be your lawyer or barrister. Our lawyers or barristers will offer …

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Can I take my child on holiday? Can she move away with my child? – Contact Arrangement Orders

Children are the centre of parents lives. Planned child contact or supervised contact is arranged by the parents or the courts to give a pattern to the child’s life. In some cases, the child is freely allowed to decide his own routine. This can lead to unplanned holidays or disruption in one parent’s plan. This will lead to arguments and confusion. Supervised contact or planned contact is preferred for the child or children. Step-sibling holidays are important. However, it is important they are authorised by the resident parent or by the other parent.

I want to take my child on holiday, why do I need to tell anyone?

It is possible for a child to go missing. It is possible for unplanned contact to be seen as child abduction. The relationship between two parents can affect the child or children. It is understandable when one parent wants to take his child or her child on holiday. The parent may want his child to spend time with their step-sibling. The general understanding, if there is a court order. It needs to be upheld.

I am not on the Birth Certificate? What can I do?

In cases where the father is not on the birth certificate, however, there is a substantial relationship between the child and father. It would need to evidential and demonstratable. There may be instances where a mother wishes to take a child on holiday or relocate. If the father is not on the birth certificate, it would be necessary for the father to apply for an emergency ‘prohibited steps order’. As long as he was ‘married to the mother’, or is the ‘biological father’ and has a relationship with the child.  The ‘prohibitives steps order’ will be heard as it urgent to prevent your child from leaving the country until your parental rights have been assessed.

She wants to take her out of school and move out of the country? Can she take my child to another country without my permission?

Is she the legal guardian? Do you have parental responsibility? What rights do you have over your child? Have you been paying child maintenance? What are the current child contact arrangements?

Have you received a “C1” form indicating the mother of your child wishes to uproot your child to relocate to another country? It could be the reason is for a better job, more income, a new relationship, or simply for personal reasons. The child does not wish to leave the school. you have frequent contact with your child. It seems outrageous as a thought. The mother has argued, your work schedule is challenging and is not suitable for you to remain in her life. The child needs more order in life.

It can be concerning, stressful and complicated. However, contact one of our specialist barristers to advise you on the necessary measures to ensure you achieve the best results.

After receiving the “C1” form, generally, you will have ‘First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment’ (FHDRA). This will be a chance for you resolve this matter. The relations between child and father can be demonstrated, by speaking with the child. The child may prepare a statement for the court. The maintenance payments. The regular contact with your child will be a demonstration of your relationship.

If the mother has sole parental custody of your child, she would not be breaking the law if she were to remove your child from the country. As the father, not being on the birth certificate and never being married to the mother, therefore you have no parental responsibility. Applying for equal parental responsibility & to be on the birth certificate would be a small hurdle. Contact one of our specialist for further advice.

“My shifts can be rearranged, I want to see my child!”

The mother’s ‘C1’ application may refer to your irregular shift patterns. You have not been able to spend frequent and regular time with your child. If you are able to organise your work shifts, this can be demonstrated to the court. The court would like to see a genuine relationship and efforts from the father. The fundamental purpose of the courts will be the child’s interest.

The Children Act 1989, in summary, will be looking into the child’s wishes & feelings. The physical, emotional and educational needs. How will the change affect them? Will the parents be able to fulfil his needs?

These are what the courts will be reviewing in cases involving children.

I want to apply for a Prohibited Steps Order!

Contact us urgently. One of our specialists will be able to walk you through this. There will be a court fee. However, acting now will mean, one of our specialists will be able to offer you legal advice on how to apply & what to do next. Legal advice will guide you.

Applying for Custody

Now, it is time to arrange regular child contact. If you have not already arranged child contact. This is the time to do so. Our specialist barrister is able to walk you through the necessary steps to organise contacts. The barrister will sit down with you and offer you legal advice, assist with filling in the necessary applications and help you at each stage of the proceeding. Having counsel to aid and offer regular legal advice is a sure method of achieving the desired contact arrangement.

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Ralf Steinberger