How does ShenSmith Barristers work with Litigation Funding?
One of the aims of the ShenSmith Barrister model is also to ensure that clients have the benefits of, not only litigation and barrister skills , but also to provide litigation funding where it’s necessary, and/or appropriate. What it is allowing clients to do is to ensure that at an early stage, barristers gives an opinion, then on the basis of that opinion, we can then secure with our preferred partners litigation funding which allows the funding of the legal aspect of your case moving forward.
So the whole package is becoming much more widely understood for people who have got legal disputes, to actually think again about how they can address that legal need.
ShenSmith Barristers, in collaboration with other partners, are finally putting together parts of the jigsaw which allow you to do that. It’s a new model – Litigation funding will and is becoming much more commonly accepted, and we look forward to working with you in those innovative way to ensure that you, the client has real value.